Thursday, March 24, 2022

Spring Signs

That little micro-climate in the front yard is sprouting green. Those few warm sunny days we had really pushed the daffodils and hyacinths up out of the ground.

And there were two Robins cavorting in the backyard this morning. Naturally by the time I got the camera up and ready there was only one of them left but the picture turned out clear so I'm happy.

The second daily art was a page of diamonds that said to color them in and it suggested that you might make a rainbow. I didn't want to make a rainbow, I wanted to us every one of my colored pencils, one pencil per diamond, to color the page so that's what I did.

Lesson 13 in the 30 Days book was Advanced-Level Houses so he led us through drawing this L-shaped house with trees and a mailbox. It gets easier to draw things every day which makes me feel good and kind of surprised because I always thought that I couldn't draw but I'm learning.

The watercolor today is a Dwarf Lake Iris nestled in the leaf litter up at The Clearing when I was there one spring. Today I took a pen and sketched out the shapes of the flower and leaves and then painted. I think it worked out.

Tonight three friends came over to knit and one brought me this bouquet. I made roasted red-pepper hummus and put out a round of Camembert. They brought fruit, nuts, and glasses of yummy, dreamy, chocolate mousse with Bailey's stirred in. Oh, and there was Zambaldi Beer. A fine time was had by all.

I knitted on the Ashes Charisma Hat all evening and think that I might be at the point of the crown decreases. I'll have to dig out the other hat that I made with this pattern to check if it's time to start decreasing or if I should knit on even for an inch or so.

I didn't toss anything today. Instead I cleaned the bathroom and kitchen, mopped the floors, and dusted so that my first guests in 2 years didn't think that I was as slovenly as I usually am.

Oh, and the humidifier installation was a disappointment. When I called the company I asked to have a salesman come to visit but she noticed that the tech had told me about them when he was here in December so she said we could just order over the phone. Turns out that was a mistake. The model humidifier that he brought wouldn't fit on my furnace so he had to patch the hole he had already cut in the furnace, take the unit back, and order a different kind. They will have to reconfigure some of the ducts so that they can install it. The only bright spot in this whole thing is that the charge will remain the same. I spent the rest of the day marginally peeved but at least I haven't paid anything yet so that's good. Hopefully they will get the correct humidifier in quickly and get it installed in good time. Fingers crossed.


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