Sunday, March 6, 2022

Knitting & Beer

I got a text from CS yesterday afternoon asking if anyone wanted to knit at Zambaldi today. I immediately responded "Yes!" so she and I met at noon and got to knitting and chatting. It wasn't until I had finished my beer that I remembered to take a picture so I took one with the remaining swallow of her beer. One of these times I'll remember before all the glasses are empty.

I came home and pulled out my drawing things. First I followed the Bonus Challenge from yesterday which was to get out a box of cereal or crackers and draw it. I used a box of graham crackers. The lines are pretty light and may be hard to see but, trust me, it's a box of Honey Maid graham crackers.

Then I turned to the next lesson which was Open Cubes. That's one of the figures that I really enjoy drawing because by changing the angle of a few lines you can make the box look like it's 3-D. The shading helps too. That lesson's Bonus Challenge was to draw a treasure chest. I didn't put any treasure in there, just a necklace hanging out one side. I ran out of steam. A half a beer and my afternoon is trashed.

The first of the cactus buds opened today. The other three still look like they're alive and willing to stay that way. I keep watering the plant hoping that water will encourage the buds to bloom. I used to be better at keeping plants alive and thriving.

My gratitude page today has many of the same things on it that I've already talked about with the exception of my cup of fancy Tanzanian coffee that I had this morning and my cozy wool shawl that I put on after supper when my shoulders got chilly.

Today's toss was an unopened jar of espresso powder. I have two jars, one open and one not. I can't tolerate caffeine so I probably shouldn't keep the open one but I'm not ready to throw it away. Anybody need instant espresso?

I just heard a weather report and it's supposed to snow tomorrow. It might snow a lot, the guy said. Back to winter but then it wasn't particularly warm today and the wind was sharp. Ah, Wisconsin.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

Like the colors in your latest sock. And also the color of that little blooming cactus! Nice to have a flower of some sort when it's still wintertime.