Friday, August 15, 2008

Me and the Morons

The morons made lunch today. Macaroni and cheese. They forgot to boil the macaroni noodles, but I took two crunchy mouthfuls just to make them feel good. If you don't make a fuss, they'll stop trying. They are cute, the morons, what with the one with peach fuzz hair and the other with those chubby cheeks. I just can't resist those chubby cheeks. I find tubs of ice cream melted in the pantry, tubes of Colgate in the sock drawer, but still those moron cheeks get me every time.

No, I had a great day at work, why do you ask? I do kind of like the premise for a me and the morons story -- I'll have to let that one roll around for a while. For now I need a nap!


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