Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Hump Day (which I have always thought sounds a tad dirty)

It just means it's the middle of the week but "hump" has another connotation that's less about getting through something than about, um, getting something on. Oh, well, you know what I mean. Here's my nightly prompt writing--and it almost didn't make it because I wasn't going to write last night because it was almost midnight when I went to bed, but then I thought that I wouldn't have a leg to stand on when I am lecturing the 3 of us tomorrow night about quitting whining and just pasting a smile on our faces and writing, so I had to write, and look what appeared!

August 26--Write about what has yet to happen--Jarrett hated this part of his day; the part just before he started work. Some people jumped around, flapping their hands and grinning. Others stood still as statues, cold and focused, while still others shook and turned a sickly shade of green. Jarrett fell in with the last group. He knew he had to clean his work clothes twice as often as anyone else in the company because he perspired, oh let's face it, he sweated like an out of shape racehorse. He came by his sweating honestly though, his mom was a good sweater. She always said she had the cleanest pores on the circuit because she flushed them out every day. He did have to admit that his mother had beautiful skin. He stood shaking and sweating, listening to the manager count down, then the lights went out, and his music swelled. The announcer's voice came out of the darkness to echo throughout the theater. "Ladies and Gentlemen, prepare to be amazed by the prestidigitation of the Amazing Jarrett!" The spotlight blazed, the manager poked him, he grabbed his top hat, and went on stage hoping that the doves in the pocket under his arm hadn't drowned.

Not bad, huh? See you tomorrow night.

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