Saturday, August 2, 2008


That's how I feel. I hurt the most in the morning and as the day wears on I get better only to backslide overnight. I should have gone to the chiropractor yesterday but didn't think of it until this morning so I'll try to get in before I open the store on Monday. Middle age sucks. I'm glad you liked my silly Bananagram story. It's good for a giggle. I'll show it to Jenny on Thursday--and I reminded her that she submits then too. I was too sore and sleepy to write Thursday night but I managed last night.

August 1--Write about a tool--"I can't find it," Ruth said. All Jeremy could see was her bottom upended in front of the sofa, her elbows pumping like pistons as she tore the afghan and pillows off and flung them aside. Her hands were blurs as they plunged down alongside the arms and deep down the back. After going over the entire sofa three times she fell back onto her heels and turned to face him. She swept her tangled dark brown curls out of her face, her slender and graceful hands clenched into claws. "I've got twelve more rows to go, twelve, and I'll have finished your mom's Christmas sweater." She picked up a heap of knitting in a beautiful pale aqua wool and shook it at him. "Twelve rows, Jeremy, only twelve. It's Sunday night and nothing is open. I need my needle." In the interest of saving his marriage he helped look, although all her knitting needles looked alike to him. He was too smart to say so. He did venture to ask if she might not have another pair in the same size. She looked at him as if he'd asked where she kept her spare husband. "Of course I have more size tens. These are my favorite." Just as he could feel her building up to another outburst their son, Liam, came into the room carrying one drumstick and one bamboo knitting needle. "Hey, Mom," he said, "hope you don't mind but I borrowed one of your knitting sticks." He stopped in the doorway and surveyed the mess. "Did you lose something?" The jury is still out whether Liam will live until his twelfth birthday.

This just came zooming out onto the page. It was fun. Now I need to rest. I'm having a dinner party, you know.

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