Monday, August 25, 2008

Cool Monday

You know, Bob, you're right, we have had this flash of Jenny's before. It's a tricky one.

August 24--Write about being on the inside--Wait a minute. If I scootch over I can see out of his left ear and, there, missed bumping into the door jamb. I hate it when he gets up in the middle of the night. All the gimbals shift and swing so suddenly, then he lurches around so I have to reprogram the toes to retract so he doesn't catch one of his pinkie toes on the corner of the hall wall. That little bit of light from the nightlight in the bathroom is pretty bright all of a sudden so I dial back his retina receptors and barely raise one of his eyelids just enough to he can see to lift to toilet seat and lid, and aim. Then there's the problem with getting his antiquated plumbing system to kick in.

Eh, that's all folks. See you Thursday.

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