Tuesday, November 27, 2007

It Was A Peculiar Day All Around

I printed all the picture prompt writings out yesterday and there are 16 pages, 51 entries. Should be 53, one for each week plus the cover, so I evidently missed two. I'll have to page through and see if I can pick them out. I won't forget Emilia and the daddy man, never fear. I decided to tackle the Write Brain Workbook as a daily prompt since it has a page for every day of the year. Don't think these writings have any chance of hanging together like the Bonaire pictures, but it should be fun. Here goes!

Sometimes I feel just like a gerbil, running around and around on his wheel. Around and around, chasing the metalic squeak of life, that annoying carousel of duty that was somehow ingrained in me by my upbringing. Or maybe not. Maybe all the "should" nonsense rattling in my harried mind is my own invention. Maybe my childish brain interpreted casual comments as commandments, maybe I built my own tightrope that stretches in front of me into infinity. At times I feel my feet slip on the swaying rope, feel the pull of the yawning abyss before me and I grasp for any handhold to steady me. So I can line up "should"s and "ought to"s and "has to be"s close enough together in a line so I can move along the tightrope never too far from safety. But what would happen if I let go?

Should be an interesting 365 days!

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