Wednesday, November 28, 2007

I Think it's the Pre-Christmas Crazies

That's what I think is making everyone so cranky, that and the fact that we're not having much winter. I mean, I'm glad we had such a warm autumn and that I don't have to drive around on icy roads dodging snowplows and trying to see over snow drifts at corners. But it's not very Christmas-y feeling, is it? The weather these days seems more Scrooge-ish than Santa-like. Where's the jolly elf ringing the bell at his kettle? I passed a kettle the other day that was just hanging on its stand, an apron draped over one side, and ringing all by itself. I didn't feed it a dollar. Too impersonal. I like to see some shiny face there looking a little cross-eyed from the hours of jangling that freakin' bell when I stuff my dollar in. I want to hear that spiritless, "Thanks, Happy Holidays." from someone really regretting that moment of selfless charity that made them sign up to be a bell-ringer.

Ho! Ho! Ho! (Did you hear someone wants Santas to say Ha-ha-ha! since "ho" has taken on an alternate meaning in today's vernacular? Warms my heart.)

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