Friday, November 30, 2007


Good writing group last night! And a great conversation with cheese after. Bob, you're keeping my interest focused on the Bonaire calendar writings, you devil. With your pushing, um, encouragement I might just make something of it.

Here I am stuck in my crib. Bedtime, bah. I don't feel sleepy. "Time to go night-night," they say. Then they put me in my jammies, read me a story and turn out the light. They're not going night-night. I can hear them. I can hear Jake and Jenny arguing and laughing, hear them run up and down the hall, hear Mama hush them, saying, "Jamie's asleep. Be quiet." Wrong. Jamie's not asleep. She's right here with Mr. Bear and Rags and the blue blanket not the green blanket, and my good old thumb that's alway right there when I need it. Maybe I'll just lay down with Mr. Bear, the blanket and my thumb. Just for a minute. Maybe if I'm quiet someone will come.

Eh. See you next week.

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