Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Well, That Was Unexpected

The first unexpected thing to happen today was when I went in to the GI doc for another endoscopy. I was all gowned up and the IV was in but they'd taken blood for a hemoglobin test first. Before the endo could begin the doctor came in, said that my hemoglobin was firmly in the normal range and he thought we could just skip the procedure today. Okay! I was all for that. No sedation, no weird feeling in my stomach for the day, and I could go home early and get a drink of water and have lunch. I'll have periodic blood tests to make sure I'm still okay and we'll consider doing another endoscopy in December. Hooray!

The other unexpected thing to happen today was at the grocery store. I went after supper to get baby bok choy and scallions to make egg drop soup tomorrow and I found myself walking across the store to the garden center. I picked out 2 six-packs of marigolds, a patio tomato, and sweet basil. I hadn't planned to plant anything this year, hadn't even pulled the weeds out of the pots across the front of the house, but a chance remark by my knitting friend DM last night got me thinking and I guess I went for it. When I got home I planted the marigolds in the old black cauldron planters across the front of the house.

And I dug out the weeds in the four pots in the back and planted the basil, tomato, and more marigolds. I even got out the hose and watered everything in. There are flowers on the tomato plant, which is a patio tomato meant to be grown in a pot, so maybe I'll end up with a tomato or two before the frost kills the plants.

Before going in for the test that didn't happen, I sat down and drew and painted the first flower in the new Ink & Wash book. It's a daisy. I've had a bunch of practice drawing daisies so it turned out pretty well.

Today is the first day of the next Amazon Ads Profit Challenge so I copied and printed the text of each of the six videos so that I'll have the instructions on hand when the challenge is over and I want to make more ads. Then when I got home this afternoon I watched the first video. It's the same challenge that I've undertaken two other times but there's always something new to learn so I don't think it's a waste of time.

With the cancellation of the endoscopy I felt kind of off-kilter this afternoon. I'd been psychically ready for it, not nervous but just assuming that it would happen, and when it didn't I was kind of stuck for what to do with the rest of my day. I begged DS to let me pick up OJ from camp to save him the trip so I got to spend a few minutes with my grandson. That was a good thing. He gives excellent hugs.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

What a wonderful surprise from your doctor!! That's the kind of news you hope for but seldom comes. I'm looking forward to pictures of your marigolds and tomatoes. Good for you for planting a bit of garden on your patio.