Thursday, July 11, 2024

Flowers & One Bird

I noticed that the long line of orange day lilies up on the retaining wall has started blooming. They're very tall so it's difficult to get them all lined up in one photo but I managed.

Then tucked in with them there are two short little red day lilies blooming happily away.

On the side of the backyard this one dark yellow day lily with a red center flowered even though its stem is broken so it's lying down nearly on the ground.

And one pot of marigolds is blooming. I was sure that they'd take some time to get used to being in roomy pots instead of being crammed in the flats but evidently getting plunged into a pot of soil once the confined roots were massaged apart made them feel great.

Today's bird was a young Oriole. Either it's a young bird or it has been in a tussle because it's feathers were rumpled and not completely orange. No matter. I was just glad to see it since I haven't seen one in about a week.

The flower of the day from Ink & Wash was an Iris. It was challenging to draw but I took my time (and erased a lot) and don't think I did too bad a job. She had me mix blue and rose to make the purple and if you look closely at the flower you can see hints of each color in the purple. I like it.

The gratitude journal for today was a simple one. I was grateful for the sunny day with a little lower humidity, all of the lilies blooming, and seeing the Oriole. Nothing fancy. The groundhog showed up a couple times, once at the seed and once in the lawn but I chased it away. Each time it ran in opposite directions so I can't tell where it's hiding out. I wish it would move on.

I'm following along on the Amazon Ads Profit Challenge this week, watching the videos and making ads. Today I made a couple keyword ads for Open for Business. I've been selling books this week but all Better Than Mom's so maybe my free book promo worked. Who can tell? I need to find a day to drive down to Oshkosh to refill the shelves at Caramel Crisp Bookstore. Maybe next Wednesday.

I spent a little time today working on my critiques for my Zoom on Monday. I want to do a good job.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

All your flowers are so cheerful. And your iris is really beautiful. Great day to record in your Gratitude Journal.