Monday, July 15, 2024

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I had my first new critique group Zoom this morning and got a very interesting comment and challenge. LL asked why I was writing in 3rd person when the first two books of The Seaview Series are in 1st person. Well, because there's a lot of action that Rose isn't privy to and she's the 1st person person. LL said it'd be easy to shift from 3rd to 1st even though the Chapter 2 that I'd submitted didn't have much if any of Rose in it. So I spent the afternoon and evening when I wasn't getting a haircut working on manuscript version 4 to see if I can't wrestle this 175 pages into a different shape. I just want to say that it's not easy but probably doable. The other day I scrolled through and turned all of the Rose sections to red and the Billie sections green which is making it easier to separate out the parts I can turn into 1st person Point of View.

We have more lilies today. The brick red lilies with the vivid yellow centers are still blooming like crazy up on the retaining wall.

And the peach lilies on the side of the house are going strong. Every time I go look at them they look a little curled up but maybe that's just the way they are.

This morning I looked out to see two Chickadees in the birdbath just splashing away so I grabbed the camera. By the time I was ready to snap the picture one had flown away and the other one was on the edge ready to fly. Dang it.

I had a little time before this morning's Zoom so I drew the day's Ink & Wash tulip and started painting it. I liked it better before the second layer of paint got added but it's not too bad. I'd do it different if I do it again. One more page in the sketchbook and then I either have to use separate sheets or find another watercolor sketchbook. I might have one but I might not, it's hard to say. There's a stack of sketchbooks in the closet and one of them might be a watercolor one but I might just enjoy going to separate sheets of watercolor paper. We'll see.

I keep forgetting or neglecting to do a gratitude journal page every day. Now it's been two days since I did one. I am grateful for things I just haven't drawn them. I've been too busy writing and futzing with Amazon Ads videos lately. All four of the keyword ads I made this week are getting quite a few Impressions (no charge) but so far no Clicks (charge for each one). I'm not concerned since it takes a while for them to start working, like a few weeks and it's only been three or four days. Early days.

I saw the woodchuck in the backyard again this morning when I was yog-ing but it scampered off toward the neighbor's deck without coming down to the birdseed.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

That red lilly is so vivid. It rivals the roses in your front yard.