Monday, July 22, 2024

Just Passing Through

The woodchuck (groundhog) (whistlepig) came by this afternoon. It moseyed across the backyard rooting around in the grass looking for things to eat. I don't know what they eat but it didn't come down to the fallen birdseed this time. And it's too big for the Hawk to prey on.

I refilled the grape jelly dish this morning and caught a young House Finch having a snack. I had hopes for an Oriole but wasn't by the patio door much during the day so I might have missed one.

Most of what I did today I did on the computer. First I watched the 3rd Keyword video from the Ad Challenge because the videos are going away in about 45 minutes. I could have signed up for Ad School for 3 months for $249 but I don't know if I'm willing to devote enough time to the ads to make it worthwhile. I know, I know, I spend quite a bit of my days sitting here writing but I'm not concentrating on polishing up my ads. I did try downloading an app for helping find keywords and categories but it doesn't seem to have downloaded. I have an email in to Support for help. Then I listened to the last six chapters of Island Dreams and started typing up the corrections to send to TH so she can fix things and we can get this fourth book's audiobook out there.

In between chapters I drew and painted a Snowdrop. I wasn't sure that I'd like it but it's all right. It was challenging to paint around the flower and not get any of the color on it so it stayed white but I managed.

I've fallen into the habit of doing the gratitude page on the morning after so I'm going to put yesterday's page on here so you don't think that I've quit being grateful or turned into a slacker.

The other thing I did this afternoon was put Decon out in the garage for the mouse to eat. I do not want mice in my house and mice in my garage is too close for comfort. I had an old Decon block from last year out there that suddenly got eaten this year and there are a lot of mouse droppings around the holder so I refilled that and opened a tray of pellets so there's a mouse poison smorgasbord out there for the little beasties. Ick.

Now that I have the audiobook listening almost done I can get back to the three-quel of The Seaview Series. All I need is an idea. I sent off my second submission to my new critique group today and have their submissions to go over too for next Monday's Zoom. Maybe the pressure of needing something to submit will help the ideas come. Let's hope so.

OMG! I just went downstairs to grab some granola for breakfast and there was a baby mouse at the bottom of the stairs. Eek! I trapped it in a cup with a paper plate over it and threw it outside, then I put two glue traps downstairs. I just know they're getting in by the spigot in the garage which comes through to the basement. Now how to deal with that. I'll get back to you.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

We had that same situation in Wilmington where mice could get into the laundry room through a tiny opening around one of the drain lines. Amazing how they can squeeze through.