Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Look What I Found

A little baby tomato about the size of a marble on my tomato plant! I was so excited I tried to take its picture without turning on the camera. There are other flowers near it so maybe there will be more!

If whatever rodent smashed my marigold plant doesn't like tomatoes, that is. I minded when it dug up the flower plant but now it's gone and broken the stem of the one on the right at the ground level and I think that plant is done for. Time will tell.

I took this picture of the rose pink day lilies when the sun was shining through the petals. Looks kind of cool, I think. Artsy.


This male House Finch perched on the edge of the jelly dish and had a high old time dipping in and eating grape jelly. He has such a vivid red head which is kinda hard to see but it was bright.

After my derm appointment this morning I hopped onto Hwy. 41 and tootled down to Oshkosh to restock the shelves at Caramel Crisp Books. I got an email a couple weeks ago that they were down to one copy of two of my titles and needed more. Happy to oblige. The woman in charge wasn't there but another one of the workers was thrilled to see me because she has bought one of each of my books. She was even more thrilled when I told her that there was a new title just out and she asked me to bring in an extra one so she could buy it and not have the shelf be short one copy. That made the long drive there and back totally worthwhile. I have a fan!


I finally managed to buckle down and draw a Gratitude Journal today. I hadn't made one for two straight days. Naughty me. But I had a lot to be grateful for today so I easily filled up the page.


When I got home from Oshkosh I sat down at the laptop to see about making my manuscript switch to 1st person. I scrolled through and picked out the parts that Rose can see or narrative that she could know and my 175 page 3rd person manuscript is reduced to a 60 page 1st person manuscript. Demoralizing. I don't really see how I can rework most of the rest of it to fit 1st person but I'll keep trying.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

I see a fan club in your future. Your books look very impressive piled up there for their photo. Switching the POV in your manuscript sunds time consuming and tough. You're trying but it seems like a lot of work.