Monday, July 29, 2024

Even Birds Need To Cool Off

Man, it was hot, humid, and still today. Even the squirrel melted again but I missed taking a picture of it. However I did manage to snap this photo of a Sparrow having a cooling bath. It was one of a quartet but by the time I'd gotten the camera up and ready he was all alone. Oh well, at least I caught one of them at it.

One of the squirrels has learned how tasty the suet pellets are and leaps from the birdbath to the top of one crook to the next crook and then crawls down the feeder to hang there for quite a while nibbling away.

There is a good-size flock of Starlings, young and old, that come to the feeders and just hog everything. They're the worst at throwing seed out onto the ground and they crowd all the other birds off the suet pellets. I wish they'd find someone else's feeders to decimate.

I was pleased to see this male Goldfinch stop for a quick snack. He posed on top of the crook and then swooped down onto the feeder where he was blurry. Darned auto-focus.

Today's project from Ink & Wash Florals was a Rose. It's okay. I have trouble drawing the petals around the center of the bloom and making them look right. I tried and maybe I'll try again.

And I drew again today out of 20 Ways to Draw a Butterfly. No butterflies but a lot of other things with wings. I think I like the winged man the best of these.


I got a message from one of the poets that I traded books with at The Clearing in May. She wants the sequel to The Seaview to read and then give to her daughter for Christmas but she wants an autographed copy. What a compliment! I'm thrilled. I wonder if it'll fit in one of the Priority Mail boxes I have downstairs. Hmm.

I need to remember that writing is work and that it takes a LOT of work to whip a story into shape. I find myself getting frustrated because it's not what I want it to be immediately so I spend months whining about it. I need to get over that. It's going to take a year, Barbara, get over yourself.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

What if we had to do an acrobatic stunt like that squirrel in order to have dinner? Thank goodness I'm not a squirrel. Love your rose. Good you gave yourself a little "talking to" about your writing. You know it'll come but it takes time. What a nice compliment from your friend asking for the autographed copy of your book. Another fan!!