Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Another Hot One

Humid too. I looked out when I opened the patio door drapes and saw that my tomato plant had tipped over. At first I thought that it had been uprooted but I rushed out to see if I could save it and discovered that the weight of the tomatoes had pulled it over. I went out into the garage to find a tomato stake and the only one I have is one that's about seven feet tall. I'd cut it shorter but it's bamboo and bamboo is hard to cut so I left it. Now the plant is standing up tall and I'm watering it every morning so that the leaves stop drying out and the tomatoes keep growing. I know it looks sad and spindly but I'll put some fertilizer on it tomorrow and keep watering it and maybe it'll feel better soon.

Next to the tomato my sweet basil plant is finally stretching its leaves out. It started sending up a flower but I picked it off so the plant doesn't waste energy growing that when it could be making more yummy leaves.

The male Cardinal stopped by for a few seeds and then posed on top of the crook before flying away. I was just fast enough.

After supper I drew a gratitude journal page for today. I'm most grateful for my poet friend WM who messaged me yesterday looking to buy a copy of Open For Business. I found a box just the right size at Meijer this afternoon so I got the book boxed up and mailed off.

My writing friend, LL, send me an email with a link to a writing blog post about giving your characters more emotion to get the reader more invested in your book so I spent quite a bit of the day reading my manuscript looking for places I can do that. I found one. Evidently I need to reread the blog post and try again. Of course I didn't read through the whole thing but still. I got frustrated so I pulled up an old NaNoWriMo manuscript and read through that thinking maybe I'd just work on that one for a while. I won't but it was fun to revisit. I'll get there eventually.

It got up to 90 degrees today with 70% humidity. Let me tell you, the ice cream I bought at the store was very easy to scoop into portions when I got home because it spent less than 20 minutes out of the freezer and was well on the way to melting. I waited until almost sundown to walk up to the corner and back and it was still hot and sticky but not unbearable. I have got to keep walking. My legs tire too easily.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Oh, your poor tomato plant!! I hope you can save it. Really hot up there for GB. No wonder things are melting -- the tomato plant, the squirrel, the ice cream. Glad you caught that cardinal for a picture. They are so pretty.