Friday, July 5, 2024

Much Closer, Less Blurry

This afternoon the whistlepig decided to investigate the fallen birdseed so it lumbered down the lawn and posed for pictures. I don't know if it's good or bad that it discovered the birdseed. Do I really want a woodchuck hanging around? What kind of mischief can they get into? I guess time will tell.

Birds showed up today. First a Goldfinch landed on the round feeder. He was so bright and held still long enough to have a picture taken.


Then a Downy Woodpecker juvenile (you can tell by the tiny patch of red on top of its head) landed on the suet pellets, drove off the Sparrows that were clustered around on it, and had a nice snack. It even moved around to the side so I could take its picture without the Oriole feeder finial-thingy in the way.

But one of the squirrels discovered the suet cakes and relearned how to hang on the feeder and nibble on the goodies. It stayed for quite a good length of time before dropping to the ground and scampering away.

At Friday Night Knitting I persevered on the Monterey Sea Life Hat until time to cut the green kelp yarn and add in the silver herring yarn. There are a lot of long segments where the blue stitches aren't broken up by the silver so I have to catch the silver yarn so that the piece on the inside of the hat (called a float) isn't too long. It's a pain and I'm rather sorry that I embarked on this project. I swear that I will not knit another two-color project ever again, cross my heart.

After two hours of hat I'd had enough so I put that away and knitted a few rows of the Beachy Warshrag. I can't finish it because I've got another knitting evening on Monday and will need a fallback project then too.

Today's insect in Ink & Wash was a Beetle. I didn't make the body round enough but I like the way the color turned out. The dirt's okay too. Just a few more bugs to go before the book is finished. Then what will I paint?

My audiobook producer sent me the corrections for The Seaview this morning and I spent some time listening in the afternoon. There were only two that I had to send back to her, she redid them, and I approved the production just before I came on here. Now it's in ACX's hands. They'll do a review before giving their approval which takes about 10 days, then it'll be available on Amazon, Audible, and iTunes. Now I just have to figure out how to get people to buy copies.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

That whistlepig looks big. Where on earth did he come from before he was in your yard? Just more wildlife out there for you to feed!!