Tuesday, July 2, 2024

It's a Real Downpour Out There

It drizzled a bit this morning and throughout the day. By late afternoon the drizzle had stopped and the street started to dry. But then when I drove to the GB Writer's Guild meeting it was spitting rain again. During the meeting it rained off and on. (I know because I could see out the window.) Just as the meeting broke up and we were leaving the skies opened up and it was a downpour. There was no getting to the car without getting wet. Luckily I could shelter under the eaves of the restaurant until I got to my car. That last six feet was really wet. It was a little too dark to take a rainy birdbath photo but I wanted you to see the crazy rain.

I saw the male Oriole this morning. He wasn't on the jelly, he was just posing on the crook but I managed to snap a couple shots before he took off.

The insect of the day from Ink & Wash was a Dragonfly. Mine isn't as flamboyant as the one in the book. She said to spatter clear water over it before it dried and I did that but evidently not enough because my paint didn't spread out past the outlines like hers did. I kind of like it. The leaf looks weird but hers looks weird too.

Most of the day I spent listening to The Seaview audio chapters. I have nine more chapters to listen to and I'm thinking of issuing a second edition of the novel because the manuscript I sent her is different from the one in the book and I like the audio one better. I'll have to look on the KDP website to see how I do that.

I showed off Open For Business at the GB Writer's Guild meeting tonight--and sold one copy and got inquiries about buying some of the 2-book series next month. You'd better bet that I hurried to make sure I have extra copies of both books in The Seaview Series in my car box when I got home.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

I've been caught in rain like that and it's frightening. I'm glad you could drive home safely.