Wednesday, July 24, 2024

What'cha Doing In There?

I looked up from my lunch to see this face looking in at me. It looked around, side to side, then climbed down from the step and left. I saw it tramping across the yard a couple times with a mouth full of dried leaves. Is it a female building a nest in the corner of my backyard? Lordy, I hope not.

One of the squirrels is an acrobat. It leaps from the birdbath to the suet cakes feeder, then up on top of the crook, onto the Oriole feeder, and finally to the suet pellets feeder. It samples a bit of the grape jelly, then clambers back down. It doesn't drop from the feeders like the others do, it takes its time and shows off its moves.

A Downy Woodpecker lit on the suet cakes this afternoon for a short time. By then the Sparrows and House Finches and Starlings had eaten the cakes down to nubs but the Woodpecker tried. It didn't stay long. Too much work, I guess.

I had an issue with the project of the day out of Ink & Wash. It's a Dahlia and the drawing turned out pretty well. I was pleased with it. Then the instructions said to splatter water over the flower and leaves and just spatter the paint on and let it move around in the water. Well, I didn't like the way it looked in the book but I tried it. And hated it. So before the paint was dry I took a wet brush and spread the paint out so the flower is colored and the leaves are too. It's not great but it doesn't look like a studio accident like the picture in the book does.

And I managed to get a gratitude journal page drawn for today. I was having a terrible time trying to think of something to write in the manuscript so I gave up and went to draw in that journal. At least I got something accomplished.

I've been having trouble downloading a writing app and had contacted Support 2 days ago. I hadn't heard from them so I called Cyberworks because I wondered if the security they put on my laptop was preventing it from loading. Well, the tech called me back and shared my computer so he could see what I was doing. I clicked the executable file, the app downloaded, and the danged icon showed up on my desktop. Evidently the 5th time was the charm. I spent a bunch of the afternoon researching keywords on the new app and loading the best ones into the details of The Seaview ebook and paperback so maybe more people will find it and buy it. Better Than Mom's is still leading the pack this month and I don't know why. I'm not complaining about it, I just wonder why.

As soon as I post this I'm going to go on GetCovers website and order an audiobook cover design for Open For Business. I got so consumed by trying to get that app loaded that I forgot about it until just now. And I ordered Sticky Traps from Amazon to trap the fruit flies that I've got attracted to apple cider vinegar. They'll come on Saturday so I can get rid of the little buggers once and for all. I knew about the vinegar but not how to get rid of them once I had them all congregated. YouTube video to the rescue.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

The internet and computers are wonderful -- when I can understand them. Some things are beyond me but I know you can make it all happen and figure it out. I'm just glad I can pull up your blog every morning!