Saturday, July 13, 2024

Stormy Weather

 Whoo, did we have a thunderstorm this evening. One bolt of lightning looked like it was right outside my patio door. It rained hard for a short time and then moved on. I can still hear thunder in the distance and it's raining a little but nothing like earlier and nothing like they said it might be. On the TV it looked like the largest part of the storm went south of here.

I went out to take flower pictures this morning before it got too hot and look what was trying to eat the flowers of the hosta. That's right, the woodchuck (groundhog)(whistlepig) was up there on its haunches nibbling away. When I approached it held still and kept an eye on me. I walked over to the lilies and when I looked back it was galloping just as fast as its little legs could carry it into my neighbor's yard and zipped under his deck. 

The squirrels were active today too. Well this one was. It hung on the suet cakes eating as much as it could before I opened the door to go out and chased it away.

All morning and afternoon whenever I looked out this squirrel kept trying to find the cool spots on the patio and melted in place. It was persistent. It would go off to have a little birdseed snack and then come back and plop.

Here are the lilies. There's a whole long line of the dark red ones. They're not really red red, they're more of a dark brick red but I like them. They're vivid.

I tried my hand at painting one of those red lilies. Admit it, I do better when I follow the directions in the book from a real artist. This is okay but not as good as the book pictures are. Actually the longer I look at it the worse I think it is.

And the Gratitude Journal page for today was pretty simple because today is DD's 43rd birthday! I can't believe my baby is that old but then I'm thirty years older than her so it works out. It was a hot and steamy day so I was particularly grateful for my air conditioner.

Tonight I sat down and finished the last few rows on the Beachy Warshrag. I only had about six rows to go so it took no time at all to knit it up and weave in the tails.

I spent part of the afternoon working on my manuscript. I have trouble figuring out where to put pieces about Rose and Iggy or another character so I spent time scrolling through and turning sections different colors for different characters. Maybe that'll help me wrap my mind about it. Then I opened a blank page and tried writing a new scene. I wrote two pages that are almost all garbage. *sigh* I guess even garbage counts as having written.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Sounds like a scary storm. I'm glad you didn't get the worst of it. What would we do without A/C? Gotta have it on these hot, hot days.