Tuesday, July 23, 2024

One Fish, Two Fish

Orange fish, silver fish? Well, that doesn't rhyme like it's supposed to, does it? This morning I started duplicate stitching the orange fish onto the Monterey Sea Life beanie. It's not hard, it's kind of tedious. The hardest part is not tangling the tail of the yarn into the stitches so I can bury the ends in the stitches when each fish is complete. I have five more fish to go.

It really rained this morning. I think it rained off and on all night. It was raining all three times I got up to go to the bathroom overnight. Three! I was not amused. Since I fell asleep thinking about the baby mouse I found in the basement I dreamed of catching giant rats most of the night. Not restful dreams, not even close.

I glanced out the patio door to see a Downy Woodpecker sitting on the arm of the Emma's Chair out there. It's a juvenile. You can tell by the red patch on top of its head. It visited the suet cakes for a little peck and then took off.

This morning I drew the gratitude journal page for yesterday. I meant to draw today's page tonight but I got caught up watching an episode of Queen Charlotte which is a Bridgerton story. I'm addicted to Bridgerton. I haven't read the books but I can't get enough of the Netflix show.

I got the Island Dreams corrections typed up and sent off to the producer. She'll get them back to me, I'll go over them again, and we'll publish. Next I have to type up the character list for Open For Business and I have to get an audiobook cover made up. Maybe I'll order that tomorrow.

Today the cleaner came and she whizzed through the house because I had an appointment in the afternoon to have a blood draw. For some reason the doc wanted a kidney function test so I went in and got poked. I still have a zillion fruit flies in the kitchen and the bathroom. What they're doing in the bathroom I do not know. There's no fruit or food in there. I keep forgetting to google how to get rid of them. Maybe I'll do that tomorrow too.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

I hate it that you had bad dreams. Mine seem to hang on the next morning. I hope yours didn't do that. Love the beanie. Those little orange fish just set it off.