Friday, July 19, 2024

More Babies!

I was out filling the birdbath this morning then I looked at the tomato plant and there are two more baby tomatoes on there. The one on the right is very small and the other is about the size of a marble. The first one I showed you a few days ago has grown and is now the size of a shooter or a cherry tomato. I don't know how big it's supposed to get. The tag says it's a patio tomato so it's not supposed to get very tall which means I probably won't have to worry about staking it unless there are a lot of tomatoes that make it top heavy. I can't wait until they start to turn from green to red.

It wasn't very hot today but this squirrel spent quite a bit of the afternoon sprawled on the patio cooling its belly. It even belly crawled from one spot to another. Evidently the concrete got warm so it moved to a cooler spot.

Look at what landed on one of the patio chairs. A gorgeous Hawk! I think it's a Red-tailed Hawk. It sat there for quite awhile, long enough for me to take four shots and to just sit and
admire it. Needless to say the birds and squirrels and rabbits and chipmunks were nowhere to be seen while it sat there. I'm so glad that I didn't miss it. When I woke up this morning I put up the shade of the window over my head and I saw a big white bird fly over. It had to be the Hawk. I've been hearing it when I'm outside and I've seen it at a distance but this is the first time it's been close that I've seen.

I got brave this morning, taped a piece of watercolor paper to a lucite board, and painted the next flower in Ink & Wash. It's a Magnolia flower and it wasn't as difficult to draw as I thought it'd be. She's a big fan of spattering the painting at the end. I guess it looks okay. I really like the way the branch and tiny leaves turned out.

Tonight at Friday Night Knitting I made a lot of progress on the cuff and leg of the Zauber Crazy Sock. I couldn't decide whether to stop ribbing at 2" and then knit the leg plain but I just kept going so I guess the leg will be ribbed. It'll stay up better that way anyway. I do love watching the colors change.

I did a bit of writing this afternoon before a Zoom with friends and managed to write a 2 page scene. Whew. Every little bit helps.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

The most amazing wildlife appears in your backyard. I'm so glad the hawk posed for you -- and for us!! And the spawled squirrel is too cute. Love your magnolia -- and the pink splatters.