Sunday, July 7, 2024

I Mostly Wrote Today

Seeing that I only had 47k words last night kind of threw me into a tizzy. Somehow I thought that I had most of a novel first draft down. Turns out I don't. So I spent quite a bit of the day, all of the afternoon and a bunch of the evening writing new scenes to plug in there somewhere. I found a place for one scene, well, extension of a scene, but the other 8 page scene I can't figure out where to put it. I'll figure it out. (she says with more confidence than she feels at the moment)

When I got back from the grocery (I was out of bananas) I had an Amazon package on the front porch. It was a thin little thing but I was glad to see it. It is going to loom large in my life for the next weeks. It's the other Ink & Wash book, the one with flowers. (yes, I gave in to temptation and ordered it last night) Paging through it I'm already a little intimidated but I'll jump in in a few days and see what happens.

Also when I got back from the store I saw that Dad's roses are still blooming so I had to go out and take their picture. They're at the end of life and don't smell as strong as they did before but they're still awfully pretty.

This little Goldfinch stopped by to check out the Finch feeder this afternoon and I was lucky enough to snap a picture. I think it's one of this year's crop of new birdies because it's not as pale as a female but not as vivid as a male.

Today's insect is a Bumblebee. There was no drawing of the bumblebee just painting and I think that there's something wrong with the head. It looks to me like an Elephant Man headed bee. Just saying. I do like the way the daisy turned out. I added a little yellow to the edge of the center just to brighten it up a bit.

Under Dad's rosebush the purple mums are opening up more flowers. It's time to go out with my snips and cut them down by half so that they re-bloom in the fall when they're supposed to, not in summer. Silly flowers.

I was carrying the big carton of yogurt from the fridge to where I was going to assemble my breakfast this morning when it dropped. I must have been holding the lid and it came off. The carton hit the floor and a big bunch of yogurt splurted out on the floor and my Croc. When I picked the carton up I realized that the bottom edge had split and there was no way to fix it so I dug around in the recycling and found the carton that I'd put in there a few days ago and slipped it over the broken one. That should work, right? I also planned to make another batch of rhubarb sauce today but got consumed by writing and missed my chance. Maybe tomorrow.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

I'm glad you got that new book because I know there'll be more of those really pretty ink and watercolor pictures to come. Your bumblebee looks fine to me and I like the little addition of yellow. Hang in there. You know the words will come.