Saturday, July 27, 2024

Even More Writing

I spent most of the day writing. I woke up dreaming about my manuscript and as soon as I was done with breakfast I came back here and got started. I finished reassembling the manuscript with all of the parts I like. Next I'll write pieces to link them and fluff up the story. It's not long enough yet and the story isn't done.

Then in the afternoon I remembered to write up the character list for Open For Business to send with the manuscript to the audiobook producer on Monday. She thinks she has time in her schedule to work on it in August. And August is just around the corner. I realized how much easier the list would be to use if it was alphabetized and found a button to push in Word to make it happen. What I can't figure out how to do is delete a line of tiny boxes that appeared when I put 3 asterisks in a space. I don't know how it appeared and can't figure out how to get rid of it, them. And when I touch Help it says something went wrong and to try again later. But it's been saying that for weeks. Gah!

I started a painting this afternoon but it had to dry completely before the next step so here's what I have so far. It's going to turn out to be Lilacs tomorrow when I get out the ink pen and draw the flower shapes over the paint splotches. I think it kind of looks like lilacs already.


This evening I went to the Stadium View Bar to meet a few of my Class of '69 classmates for our 55th class reunion. It wasn't an official reunion with invitations and a rented hall and a band and all that. This committee has organized a get-together on the last Saturday of July for the last 5 years. I haven't gone but went this time to keep RS who is also in the St. Agnes Class of '65 from yelling at me at our next lunch. It was fun to see old acquaintances. There were about 12 grads and some spouses and I had a good time. I handed out 5 or 6 bookmarks and got an order for my newest title from DS who has read three of my titles and is looking forward to the sequel. Hooray!

Today was a pajama day until after lunch when I thought I should probably get dressed. I don't know why. I didn't go out in public until after 5 o'clock but getting dressed seemed like the thing to do.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

That's quite a list of characters and you're only up to the D's. I guess because you "know" them, it's easy for you to keep them straight. I'm anxious to see how that lilac blob becomes and actual flower.