Thursday, July 4, 2024

aka Whistlepig

I looked up woodchucks and found that they're groundhogs, relatives of squirrels, a variety of marmot, and in some places called whistlepigs. Isn't that a cool name? I don't even know if they whistle but I'll bet they do or make some similar sound. I thought our woodchuck had moved on but just now I saw the weeds waving around and caught the (blurry) little creature eating away back there. All of a sudden there was a loud boom, like a shot, and the woodchuck took off down the retaining wall at a dead run. It stopped to listen a time or two and then kept going.

Another way tinier creature was in the backyard this evening too. It was the tiniest baby bunny I've seen maybe ever. It would have fit into a teacup. It was hippity-hopping along behind a bigger bunny (Mom?) but every time it got close she would scamper off. Maybe they're weaning. It hopped over to see what a squirrel was doing under the round feeder in the spilled seed and the squirrel whacked it and sent it sprawling. The baby bunny righted itself, shook its ears, and went back to nibbling on grass blades.

I was glad to see a Nuthatch swoop over to the round feeder this morning in search of a nut. There are peanuts and sunflower nuts in the seed mix in that feeder so it didn't have to dig long to come up with something to fly away with.

These two House Finches were standing on the edge of the birdbath when the one on the left leaned its head and breast into the water and started flailing around taking half of a bath. I think the other one is looking at it like it can't figure out what the bathing one is doing.

Today's bug in Ink & Wash was a Grasshopper. I think it turned out pretty well. I'm not sure about the rock it's standing on but I think the bug looks like a grasshopper.

And I did a Gratitude Journal page this evening too. I checked online as soon as I woke up to see if The Seaview was approved so I could make the few other changes I'd found after I uploaded it last night. Thank heavens it's easy to do. I can't be the only person who finds errors and goes back to fix them. Anyway I fixed it and it's now as error free as I can make it. I think.

I was invited out to Shawano to DS's in-laws house for lunch and an afternoon of swimming, water balloon fights, and eating too much. I didn't swim or take part in the fights, I watched those, but it was fun to spend the day with people I like. My brownies were a big hit, the Banana Split Snack Cake not so much. Only DS and I had a piece which means I have plenty cake to take to knitting on Monday evening as my contribution to too much food. I don't usually bring the dessert but this time I'm ready.



Aunt Barb said...

Yes, that is definitely a grasshopper. Well done. I never heard of Whistlepig but you learn something new every day. Thanks for that little tidbit. Maybe we'll use it someday on Jeopardy!!

Aunt Barb said...

P.S. When I switched to my desktop computer just now, the ever-changing screen saver was a whistlepig!! No kidding.