Sunday, April 28, 2019


Yesterday afternoon my throat felt a little sore.  By bedtime my sinuses were having a party and my throat hurt.  Today I'm stuffed up, my eyes feel swollen, and I feel like crap.  I love a spring cold, don't you?  Bah.

Lots of things are sprouting, even with the chilly nights.  There are leaves sprouting on the honeysuckle,

the bleeding hearts are up a couple inches,

and the mint on the edge of the garden is poking through last fall's leaves.  DS and I agree that mint is the cockroach of the plant family.  Mint and roaches are probably the only things that will survive in nuclear winter.  People warned me that mint is invasive and will worm its way all around my garden plot and into the yard. I don't really care, it smells great when you step on it and mow it.  What's not to love?  I yank it out when it gets unruly.

28 April--Frederick Carl Frieseke, Girl in Blue.

she lay
like a pool of moonlight
milky skin
cheeks tinged with pink
slow breaths
afternoon nap

I know I'm here early but my head is full of snot and my eyelids are at half-mast.  I'm going to finish this, drink some orange juice, and see if I can't sleep this cold into submission.  Wish me luck.


Aunt B said...

Is it too late to try ZaCam?? Sometimes that OTC med can scare off a cold. Maybe at least lessen it's hold on you. Just when spring is busting out all over, you don't need to be dragged down with a lousy cold.

Barbara B. said...

Yup, mint is the horrible, and so are garlic chives. I wont even elaborate!