Thursday, April 18, 2019

Baby Step

DS texted me this picture this afternoon.  It's a construction company trailer that appeared on the site where Zambaldi Brewing is slated to begin building next Monday.  It's really happening, people.  My son and his wife are building a brewery.  They are chasing their dream. Man, I hope a lot of people are thirsty. 

The mailman brought more Christmas presents today.  Not for me but I'm feeling pretty darned smug that I've got at least 2 gifts for every person on my list, not big extravagant gifts either but practical usable ones.  I'm determined to give gifts that can be used or consumed instead of things that hang around forever until you're old and crabby (like me) and have to either toss or donate them.

I got two more recipes cooked, portioned out, and frozen today.  First thing this morning I made the Honey-Ginger Chicken Tenders.  I know it doesn't look like much in each container but it's one serving, a chicken tender each, that I'll serve over rice with veggies or a salad.  It really smelled great.

Then after my haircut I whipped up the Cauliflower Puree (kind of like cheese grits) with BBQ Rotisserie Chicken.  Yum.

Here's how the freezer looked before I started unloading it and transferring things to the basement freezer.  I kept one of each upstairs.  Now all I have to make are 3# of turkey meatballs to go with the double batch of marinara sauce I made on Monday.  I had to laugh earlier.  I've spent the last three days cooking my fingers to the bone and do you know what I've had for supper those days?  Papa Murphy's pizza.  By the time suppertime rolled around on Tuesday I was in no mood to eat anything I'd made so I ordered me a pizza ($10 Tuesday), baked, and ate it.  It's been a gray week, weather-wise and mood-wise, so fat and salt and grease was on the menu.  I'll do better starting tomorrow.  Cross my heart.

Today's toss was the 3# can of Folger's that I won't drink because it's caffeinated so I took it along to knitting guild tonight to donate to the church food pantry.  I figure they can use it for the church or parcel it out in smaller portions to their clients.  It'd be a shame for it to go to waste.

18 April--Carl Larsson, Esbjorn Doing His Homework.

Open window
Fresh air
Sunny day
Dreaming boy
No thanks.

I got coerced into taking one of the charity kits to make a shawl at Guild tonight.  The yarn is kind of red and the pattern calls for using size 11 needles so maybe it'll go fast.  I'm a pretty slow knitter, even more so lately when life seems to be all foggy and gray.  I've got a doc's appointment tomorrow so maybe he'll think of some pepper-upper that'll do the trick.  Fingers crossed.  I know, I know it's only been 8 months since Durwood died but I'm getting tired of being sad and tired and I don't seem to be able to pull myself up by my bra straps and get my oomph back.

1 comment:

Aunt B said...

For someone who can't get her oomph back, you've certainly accomplished a lot these past few days. And it all looks delicious. Exciting news about Zimbaldi Brewery. It's really happening!!!