Promise of Spring
I went out in the late morning yesterday to do a few errands before Durwood and I went to do more important Errands (food and a microwave) in the afternoon. First I cashed my paycheck and it's a darned good thing I learned to count the money in the envelope before I drive away because it was about $80 short. I just parked, went in, and asked the drive-through teller to recount the money. Oops. See, I asked her for 3-$50 bills and evidently counting up from $150 by $20 was a bit of a problem, but she eventually got it. Then I went to the bird seed store where I found an item of faith that Spring would indeed come--a new Oriole feeder. And it might be one that the ants don't take over. We hope every year to have more than one or two oriole sightings; this might be the year. None of the rest of the errands: library, pharmacy, Fleet Farm for granola (it was 5 boxes for $10, a steal), Home Depot for a "day" light bulb were very interesting, although I am thrilled to have my "day" light shining again. I forget how much it does for me until it's burned out (or I forget to turn it on).

Durwood and I went to Woodman's and bought more veggies than we have room in the fridge for. This is not a bad problem to have, to have to eat more veggies. Trying to cram all the Brussels sprouts and carrots and cho-cho (woohoo! chayote/christophine/mirliton--whatever you call it we like it) into the drawers I remembered the 2 bags of Meyer lemons I got at Walmart last week. So after supper I unearthed the fruit squeezer bequeathed to me by Mom (it was a wedding gift in 1950) and made juice. Then I measured a tablespoon into each ice cube cup, froze them overnight, and now they're bagged in the freezer for Durwood to cook with. Plus it made the kitchen smell great.
I didn't get a single idea from last night's art prompt so there's no piece of story for you today, not even a lame poem. *sigh*
Tonight after work I have (get) to go spend the evening with Miss LC while Daddy & Mama go off to band practice. Oh. Darn.
1 comment:
That juicer looks ancient and lethal -- but those old gadgets still work and do the trick!
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