Thursday, June 1, 2023

Even the Birds were Hot

At least I think that's what this Robin's problem was. It stood on the edge of the birdbath for the longest time with its beak open and its wings drooping. It looked around but didn't get a drink and didn't get into the water. The only thing I could figure out what that it was hot. Maybe, maybe not, but it was 90 degrees when it was doing that.

The Cardinal visited the platform feeder and stayed long enough for a photo op. Neither the Bluejay nor the Hummingbird obliged.

The first French Iris bloomed today. I'm not sure what makes them French but the leaves are a different shape, not as spear shaped, and the flowers are more delicate. Too bad they're blue but I like them. They don't last very long though.

I wish I knew what this plant is. I think it's a kind of perennial sage but I'm not sure. I should probably go to the nursery and seek out similar plants and find out the name. It's pretty and on the red end of purple. I like red.

I pulled out 10-Step Drawing: Flowers today and the next one was a Calla Lily. It turned out okay, I think.

For today's painting I went back to the first watercolor workshop project from last year and painted a sky and water. Just that but I kind of like the way it looks.


I am happy to say that when I went to the grocery after supper looking for bananas there were grapes there too. Evidently the Mexican crop came in. They're not shy about the price they're charging but there were grapes and I bought some. Only green ones but beggars can't be choosers. The red ones will come back in time, I'm sure.

I went down to the library to sort books this morning and managed to clear off a table. I didn't have to throw quite as many books away as I did last week but there were still a lot of too-old-to-keep books that went into the recycle bin. There was another Barbara there so I had someone to chat with which always makes the time go faster. However while we were sorting two maintenance men came in each pushing a huge cart filled to overflowing with more books and a lot of them looked like trash bait. I was kind of glad when my parking meter ran out and I could leave. There's a parking meter app so my phone keeps track of the time, I don't have to.

I concentrated on knitting on the Hayden Hawthorne Sock this evening but with the skinny yarn and toothpick-like needles I can't really see much progress. It's demoralizing and I didn't take a picture.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Your description of the robin is spot on. He does look hot. Sounds like summer came in with June what with ninety degree temperature.