Thursday, June 22, 2023

Backyard Sights

This afternoon I took a stroll around the backyard to see what there was to see. First I turned on the hose to water the retaining wall and surprised this baby bunny. It was small enough that it would have fit in my cupped hands. It didn't dash away as soon as I came out or came near, it just sat there munching on some grass and watching me. Only when I went up toward the retaining wall did it run away.

Across the patio the bleeding hearts are just about done blooming. There are a few fading flowers on the long stems, most of them hiding behind leaves, but I found these that were in the open.

The Stella d'Oro lilies are getting into the swing of blooming. I can't stand at the wall and take a long shot of them all because they're too overshadowed by leaves but you can see the enthusiastic flowering of this one plant.

Right after lunch I went down to the library to sort books for an hour. All of the tables were filled by a single layer of bags and boxes of books. I managed to clear off one table while I was there. That felt like a real accomplishment. Lots of fiction hardcovers and paperbacks in the bags that I sorted today. And there was another Barbara for me to chat with for the last half hour of sorting. It's always better to have someone to visit with, makes the time go faster.


For drawing practice I opened Draw 20 Jellyfish and drew an anemone, a squid, a seahorse, and a starfish. Some days I feel like I'm getting worse instead of better but I'll keep at it. Keep wasting paper and ink.

I added a few rounds to the Toast & Cream Hat this evening while I watched Maine Cabin Masters on TV. I've seen all of the episodes but that's one show that I can watch over and over. I probably should have put Longmire on Netflix instead of watching reruns but it didn't occur to me until just now. Oh well.

Boy, this was a low energy day. I could have stayed in my jammies and zoned out reading and watching TV all day but I knew that I'd feel guilty if I did that so I pushed myself to do a few things. I feel like I'm not sleeping well lately. That's my excuse anyway.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

I'm sorry to read you're not sleeping well. I'm sleeping too well. Just now rolled out of bed and it's after nine!! But it stormed during the night and that woke me up a couple of times. That's my excuse.