Thursday, October 11, 2007

A Fish-free Mini-rant

You're welcome. And, Bob, if checking for new entries on the blog is pathetic, then I'm right there with you, only I check it several times a day. Sometimes just to read my own writing! Don't judge your prompt writing, just be glad that you did it. Here's last night's effort:

These days not too many people are said to have a "heart of flame." Passion is out of style. Only children are allowed to fling thmselves into their pursuits. The rest of us are supposed to be cool and blase. I say, the hell with what we're supposed to do. Keep fanning the spark in your heart, coddle that little flicker, and embrace it. Forget about being cool and dance with excitement, beam your pride when you paint something, wall or canvas, that pleases you, plant a garden, build a birdhouse or cradle. Celebrate your passions, chase them wholeheartedly, and dare to fail--or at least be a dork about it. Life is too short to worry about public opinion--unless you're running for office.

This is so totally off on a tangent from the picture I started with; I have no idea where it came from. Lame? Yeah, but I'm not too proud to be lame. Or a dork. I hope your tooth's okay. I hate dental problems. See you tonight.


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