Sunday, December 31, 2023


But just a dusting. I didn't even try to go out and clear the thin layer of snow off the driveway because it was wet yesterday so I'm sure the snow turned to ice on the pavement. Yuk.

This Mourning Dove was pecking around under the feeder this morning. I don't think it had a lot of luck finding loose seeds.

The Chickadee made a few forays into the platform feeder today. I even saw it nab a peanut half out of the tube feeder a little later in the day.

I tried my hand at Lesson 2 in the new drawing book. I had to dig out a bigger format sketchpad to follow the directions but I think I did okay with the drawings. The author/artist emphasizes that you need to use a feather touch when you're drawing. That's hard for me because I want to grip the pencil and make firm lines but I'm working on it. That feather touch also makes it hard to see the drawings. Sorry about that.

At the end of the lesson I copied her sample of a way to incorporate all of the designs from the squares. It's not original but I think it's okay.

Then I decided to use the remains of the rotisserie chicken from last week and make soup. Thank goodness I had some scallions, baby carrots, and dried celery flakes. It isn't one of my better efforts but it's cold enough outside that a steaming mug of soup is a real treat.

I have no intention of staying up to ring in the New Year tonight. In fact, I'll be snuggled up in bed within an hour. It'll be the first day of 2024 tomorrow whether I stay up or don't. I wish you all a Happy New Year.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Definitely time for chicken soup even with only a dusting of snow. December is wintertime so hot soup and warm hot chocolate should be the order of the day.