Monday, December 4, 2023

A Surprise Visitor

I was eating my Cheerios this morning and glanced out the patio door and look at what I saw. A Red-bellied Woodpecker at the suet pellets! There are hardly any pellets left in there but he was pecking away at the dregs. I'm amazed that the picture isn't blurry. That's what usually happens when I hurry to snap a picture.

I flipped open 20 Ways to Draw a Jellyfish this afternoon and drew a crocodile, a dolphin, and an eel. They're okay.

Tonight I met knitting friends as CS's house. She made chicken noodle soup for us. It was marvelous. I ate it all up so there are no pictures.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Great picture of that woodpecker! Thanks for making it happen.