Tuesday, December 12, 2023

I Almost Caught It

Just when I opened the patio door drapes this morning I saw movement on the feeder. There was a Downy Woodpecker on the suet cakes. I picked up the camera, aimed... and the danged bird moved behind the feeder so I couldn't see it anymore. I had high hopes that more birds would come but I didn't see any and the seed in the round feeder isn't any lower so I'm guessing that no birds have visited. It's supposed to warm up a bit on Thursday so maybe the birds will be more active then.

I drew this Zentangle this afternoon while my cleaning lady busied around. I was going to color in some of the spaces but she got to where I was sitting before I got started so I had to stop and move.

Then I spent the rest of the day working on The Seaview 2. I like the story and am whittling away at the excess verbiage. I did some rearranging of scenes so that the timeline works better and it doesn't seem like a quarter of the story happens all on the same day. I wish I knew more about how the online Novel Writing group I signed up for will work so that I can be ready when it starts in January.

I went to pick up a couple prescriptions this afternoon and didn't take a cart to hold into while walking in the store. Big mistake. I got out of breath a lot faster than I do when I take a cart so I guess the diuretic isn't helping as much as I thought it was. I will be so glad to find out what's going on and how to fix it. Soon.

I just went on Amazon to order some grandkid gifts and the one that I don't need until after Christmas is coming tomorrow and the two that I'll need on Christmas day or the day after are coming on the 23rd or 24th. Sheesh. Whatever happened to 2-Day Prime shipping?


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Still..... what would we do without Amazon?? It's so easy to shop that way even when shipping is involved. Hope your stuff arrives in time for Christmas.