Friday, December 29, 2023

One Woodpecker

The Red-bellied Woodpecker stopped for a visit this morning and I managed to snap a photo so that you can see his red head. I haven't seen his red belly lately but I assure you that there's a red smudgy patch on there.

I pulled out Draw 500 Fabulous Flowers this morning before DD and IT arrived and drew these so-so flowers. I wasn't in the mood for any precise drawings so these swirly flower heads fit the bill very well. I also delved into the new drawing book that I got for Christmas and, darn it, I have to go to Michaels with my list and my gift card because I need graphite pencils for the early lessons in the book and all I have are no. 2 pencils and that's not enough. I have to go pick up a prescription tomorrow so I'll swing by Michaels on my way home.

This afternoon I cast on another dishcloth so I wouldn't have to think much at Friday Night Knitting tonight. I was late to the zoom because DD and IT were here but they left earlier than I thought they would because DD has to pack and wants to leave around 7 in the morning for the looooooong drive home. The good thing is she's going tomorrow so if she gets too tired she can get a motel and sleep overnight and get home refreshed or at least not so road weary she's not safe.

I had time this morning before they arrived to take a shower and wash out my compression socks. After supper I ran the dishwasher for the second time in a week. Company uses up plates and bowls, also silverware.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Sounds like you're winding down from your kids' visit. I'm doing the same thing. Paul's son and grandsons just left and I'm ready for a nap!