Saturday, October 5, 2024

A Productive Week

I got back home just before noon today from a wonderful week at The Clearing and this afternoon I sat here and printed off all of the writing I did last week. There were six scenes to print. Six! Admittedly three of them are one pagers, but the other three are 2-3 pages and that's just fine.

The coolest thing I saw last week was this Pileated Woodpecker that was getting a drink at the stone birdbath when I was walking to class yesterday morning. I'd heard it but hadn't seen it and there it was! This isn't a great shot but I was in a hurry to get a picture before it flew away or someone scared it off. It's huge. It's the Woody Woodpecker of the bird world.

Sunset last night was breathtaking. We were preparing for the Friday Night Show & Tell and someone looked out the west window of the Schoolhouse and here's what we saw. Amazing colors that seemed to get better with every passing minute.

At the Show & Tell all of the writers had the chance to read a little something that we'd written during the week. I read a one page scene about Rose and Iggy relaxing after a long, tiring day. The audience seemed to like it.

I managed to finish binding off the scarf of Gray Bear before I left for The Clearing last Saturday. I think it looks very dashing in its colorful scarf.

At the other end of the woodpecker spectrum, this little Downy Woodpecker was clinging to the side of my birdbath this afternoon. This is my usual woodpecker sighting although I did see a Red-bellied Woodpecker one afternoon when I was sitting on the cabin's porch writing. That's a medium-sized one.


As I said I had a lovely week of writing, eating like food was going out of style, talking and laughing with friends old and new, and breaking in a new roommate, MH, who was breaking me in as a new roommate too. But I'm glad to be home in my own house with my own bathroom and my own bed. Aw, man, I forgot to carry up frozen supper portions so they can start thawing out so I'll have something to eat tomorrow evening. Be right back... Ok, I'm back. There were four new writers in the group and five oldsters but two of them, a mother and daughter, got sick and missed the last two days because they felt so wretched. Fortunately they weren't contagious so none of the rest of us got the pestilence. 

I got the name of a woman who does virtual assistance, like website, mailing list, and FB page hosting. I suck at those things. I plan to contact her on Tuesday and see what she can help me with. If I want to keep doing this writing and publishing thing I've got to ramp up my social media game, etc.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

What a great week you had. And there's pictures to prove it. That sky is incredible, and the enormous woodpecker is a wonder thing! I'm so glad it turned out to be just what you wanted. Welcome home.