Tuesday, October 15, 2024


I got a phone call just after lunch today from DS. He was moving things around at the brewery and what he was moving caught a spigot on one of the Brewer For a Day tanks and knocked it off. He grabbed the spigot and shoved it back in place to hold in the gallons of beer but as he said, he was being the little Dutch boy and needed help. I hopped in the car and hurried over to do what I could. I retrieved some ratchet straps out of his car and he was able to strap the spigot into place while I held it. Whew. He planned to pump the beer into one of his big tanks so that it could continue becoming beer while he figured out how to fix what he broke. I was glad to be able to rescue him even a little. This tank he's leaning on is like the one that got de-spigoted today. It holds plenty of beer but he figures he only lost a couple gallons. I'm just glad he had his phone handy or he'd have had to wait until the taproom manager came in an hour later. Exciting!

This morning there were a bunch of Mourning Doves on the ground under the feeders and this pair on the platform feeder. I figure the one on the roof is saying, "Are you done yet?" There isn't room for two Mourning Doves in there at once so they take turns.

For today's drawing I drew the last few figures in 20 Ways to Draw a Tree, not the first time I've been to the end of that book. I like the turnip and the butterfly on the right. I decided to color them with colored pencils because the butterflies were all colored and I liked the way they looked.

And I made time to draw a gratitude journal page. I was grateful for being able to help at the brewery and I volunteered to pick the kids up after school so that DS had time to clean up after his little adventure.


But what I was, and am, most grateful for is I went in for a fasting blood draw this morning and got the results this afternoon. I don't know what most of the numbers mean but I do know that my hemoglobin is up to 13.2 from 12.9 three months ago. This is great news. I've got my annual physical on Monday so I'll find out what the rest of the numbers mean but I was most anxious to learn how my hemoglobin was doing.

In the middle of the night last night when I got up to pee I realized that I was cold. The flannel sheets and the summer blanket weren't cutting it anymore so I grabbed a small blanket from the back of the chair and tossed that over me. This morning I took off the summer blanket and exchanged it for the electric blanket. I haven't plugged it in yet but I never sleep with it turned on anyway. There's a freeze warning for tonight too. Eesh. I'm not ready for it. We've had such warm weather until the last few days it's a little hard to adjust. I was wearing a tee shirt and hoodie when I picked up the kids and it wasn't warm enough to stand in the wind waiting for them to come out of school. I was wishing for a warmer jacket.

I had the last CS tomato on a BLT for supper last night. Those tomatoes were so good I wanted to make them last but tomatoes are fleeting so I gobbled them up. Yum.


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