Thursday, October 17, 2024


The roofs of the houses across the street were frosty this morning so I went out to check the birdbath. Yep, that was frozen again. You can see the blue white of the frost on the grass behind the birdbath too. It's just about the time to put the birdbath heater in.

Once again the Downy Woodpecker waited its turn at the suet cakes. I caught it giving this Sparrow the stink eye while it waited not very patiently. Sparrows kept showing up and the Woodpecker kept fidgeting but it finally got the chance to have a few pecks at the block of suet. 

Today's drawing is out of Drawing Nature and once again I took longer than the prescribed 15 minutes to draw this koala. I think it looks okay. It was kinda fun to draw.

And I remembered to make time to draw a gratitude journal page after supper. Yoga felt good this morning and I had a good meeting with Katie my new virtual assistant. She had time to check out my website and Facebook page before we met and she had a lot of ideas about how they can be better. She was especially tickled when I told her about blogging every night. I warned her that it wasn't all about writing and she said that was just right, that people would want to know things about me, not just about writery stuff. I'm not sure I believe her but okay.

I got to have a small visitor this afternoon and evening. DIL1 and LC went to a political rally, DS had to run bingo at Zambaldi, and OJ had no place to go so he came to Meemaw's place. We did a little Wii playing, went to the neighborhood farmers market for tomatoes and cookies (free cookie for kids!), then to the grocery store for a Lunchables for his supper. After supper we chatted and read and played with old toys. He told his mom that it was the best Thursday of his life! Imagine that.


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