Wednesday, October 9, 2024

We're In!

I got an email this afternoon that my application for a booth at the Winter Farmer's Market was accepted. We're in! I just emailed JB, LW, VR, GBB, and DS to spread the happy news. We get to set up a couple days before the first market so that'll be good. There won't be such a traffic jam. I'm hoping we can get a corner booth so we can set up tables in an L and have more display space. I guess we'll have to see how it works. I also got an email proof of the banner I ordered the other day so that should be ready in time for the market. Oh, I'm excited. (This is a pic of our market booth 2 winters ago but I couldn't resist.)

The Sparrows noticed the filled feeder this morning and took turns landing on the perches and making the feeder slowly spin. The Mourning Doves showed up too to peck at the seed tossed out of the feeder. By the time I sat down for supper they'd emptied the feeder about 4" from the top. Gluttons.

When I was doing my morning yoga a male Red-bellied Woodpecker showed up on the platform feeder but wasn't there long enough for a picture. However in the afternoon I happened to walk into the kitchen in time to see this juvenile pecking away at the suet pellets and it stayed long enough for me to snap a few shots and pick the best one. I don't know why it was pecking at the base of the feeder when it could have been vertical and pecking at the top. Oh well.

I took a walk after lunch and saw the first autumn leaf that wasn't brown. For the last few weeks the trees on my street have been losing leaves but they've all been brown and crunchy. This one looked like a real autumn leaf so I had to take a picture of it. We haven't had much rain in the last couple months so I'm sure that has something to do with the brown leaf situation.

This isn't a new Dad's rose but the sun was shining on it and I thought it looked so pretty that it deserved another photo op.

After supper I sat down to watch Jeopardy! (I did not get the Final Jeopardy) and then once it was over I picked up the Denim Washcloth and knitted a few rows. It's not any easier to see the stitches but I've got the pattern memorized and can figure it out when I lose my way.

I had a Zoom meeting this afternoon with a virtual assistant. I agreed to hire her to help manage my website, Facebook author page, and help increase my mailing list. I don't remember to post things on there and I'm not sure how to make them work for me anyway. She's not inexpensive but I figure I can cancel if things get out of hand. I have another meeting with her next week to get started digging in to what needs to be done. She said she liked my book covers which made me feel good. Let's hope she doesn't decide that I'm a lost cause.

I worked some more on the blurb for Open For Business and put v.4 on the Ad School FB page for comments. Then I wrote three pages of a new scene of guests arriving at Seaview. I told one of my St. Agnes Class of '65 classmates that I needed names for them so I'm using his and his late wife's names in this part. He was very moved by the idea. Made me feel good to do this for him. He still misses her so.

Twenty-nine years ago today Dad died. Holy cow, is it really that long ago? Yep. I miss the old guy, but I have his roses to remind me of him. Thanks, Dad.


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