Sunday, April 7, 2024

Cloudy & Rainy

Oh, and windy too. That was today. I thought about going out to sweep the leaves and road crud out of the garage but with how windy it was I thought that maybe more leaves would blow in than I swept out. I should have gotten the broom out yesterday when it was sunny and calm but I didn't. Oh well, I'll wait for another sunny day, the garage dirt isn't going anywhere.

There wasn't much to take pictures of today or maybe I wasn't looking. This Downy Woodpecker showed up on the suet cakes and hung around for a couple photos. This one is the best. It's not even blurry.

Then I painted along with a Kristy Rice YouTube video twice, once in the morning and once in the evening. I don't know why I painted it twice, maybe because I wasn't happy with my first attempt. It just seemed like the thing to do. This is the second painting. In this one I arranged the flowers better but the leaves are worse. I think I am incapable of painting leaves right more than once in a row. Most of the time I just make a green smudge that I then try to fix. It seldom works out. But I'm not giving up.

I spent the afternoon reading my manuscript--again--for the eighth or ninth time. Today I added more hints of conflict and tried to insert more sensory detail. I'm happy with what I did.

Yesterday I discovered that Northern Exposure episodes are on Amazon Prime. I always liked that show so I started watching it. It's almost as good as I remember it being.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

I loved Northern Exposure -- all those quirky characters were so much fun. I don't think I can get it here on Direct TV. Our viewing options are very limited. That page of flowers is so pretty. I think it's a keeper. The leaves look great to me.