Wednesday, April 17, 2024

At Least It Stopped Raining

We had one long rainy day. It didn't rain all the time but often enough that the birdbath is full and all of the pavement is wet. I had to go back to the grocery this afternoon because I forgot three very important items when I went yesterday. It wasn't raining when I went in but it was pouring when I came out. Fortunately I wore a windbreaker that's pretty waterproof and has a hood so I wasn't too soaked by the time I got to the car. I think it might be done raining for the day. I leaned out during one non-rainy period and took a picture of the lily sprouts on top of the retaining wall. It's so nice to see green up there.

I had Novel critique Zoom this morning and got lots of valuable comments. One thing that the facilitator recommended I do is outline the story now that it's finished-ish. I decided instead of a traditional outline I'll just list the problems and conflicts in each chapter so that I will know where I have to go back and beef things up. Just when I think that I'm getting close to being finished I realize that I'm not.

I didn't have much motivation to do lots of things today. I spent a lot of the afternoon listening to one of my own audiobooks. Horizon isn't half bad. It could use some editing and beefing up in the conflict area but it's not bad. After supper I decided that I should at least do a little watercolor painting with round brushes since I'm going to be taking a class in a month and I won't be using the dagger brushes in that class. I booted up a Creativebug watercolor class I took last year and skipped the first half of it to get to the painting recognizable stuff part. We started with leaves. Of course we did. But I think I'm happy with the way most of them turned out.

Then she moved on to branches with berries and little flower buds, also other branches and leaves. These turned out pretty well too.


There was a squirrel hanging from its hind legs up on the crook with the cob corn feeders and I actually managed to get a picture of it. I'm just amazed that they can hang there nibbling away and not fall off.

I couldn't think of things to be grateful for today. I sure wasn't grateful to be caught in the rain. I'm not grateful to have a touchy tooth (I think it's the weather change). So there's no Gratitude Journal page for today.

All I have to do tomorrow is take a shower and unload the dishwasher, not necessarily in that order. Maybe I'll get more of the novel outline accomplished. We'll see.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

How DOES that squirrel hang there like that and manage to eat? All that rain will "bring May flowers" but I'm glad it finally stopped.