Monday, May 1, 2023

I Planned to Put the Snowblower Away

But then I opened the shades to find this. SNOW on May 1. Not enough to shovel or snowblow but real annoying snowflakes. And it was a rain/snow mix that was dreadful to be out in. Ugh.

Fortunately over the course of the day the snow melted and it just drizzled but it was still a crummy day. This rabbit looked a little bedraggled, like it had been in a fight, but I suspect it was just wet. 

Then the two-tone squirrel climbed up on the suet pellets feeder and hung there for the longest time nibbling away. I can't imagine that it gets much in any bite because the gaps between the wires are small but it must be worth its time and effort.

Today was the last webinar/lecture of the Ad Challenge. I watched it because he talked about what to expect over the next 30 days, emphasizing that patience is the watchword for ad success. I'm at about 1200 impressions so far. The total climbs every day, still no clicks or sales, but I'm being patient. I made a couple more keyword ads today so I hope that boosts my impressions and maybe generates a click or two. The good news is that impressions are free, clicks cost ad money, sales, of course, are profit so I'm just fine with only impressions for the time being. I also started looking at the book blurb for Horizon. It's too long and gives too much of the story away. I need to change it. I wrote a new one but I think that one's too short. Maybe I'll find a happy medium tomorrow.

I opened Draw 500 Fabulous Flowers to find more bleeding hearts to draw. I started organizing my painting supplies in preparation for taking them to The Clearing on Sunday so I won't be painting the rest of the week, just drawing.

Oh, I sold four books after lunch today. It was the monthly St. Agnes Class of '65 lunch and ES wanted another copy of Horizon because she gave hers to her daughter and RB bought one of each title. I even remembered how to manually enter a credit card on Square on my phone so I didn't miss the sale. *pats self on back* So basically I paid for my lunch and then some with book sales. 


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Snow in May is just plain wrong! At least it didn't stay long.