Thursday, May 4, 2023

Getting Packed

I spent part of the morning going through my painting supplies to make sure that I have the brushes that she specified and the ones that I like best. I had to dig around to find the right natural sponge and a new roll of masking tape for taping paper to a plexiglass board. Then I had to watch the 5 day weather forecast to see if the shirts that I have packed will suffice next week. I threw in my windbreaker which works as a raincoat in a pinch (if it doesn't rain too hard) and my pink knitted slippers for when I'm in my room at night.

I was lucky to be looking to the right just as a Bluejay landed in the fallen seed. It isn't as clear as I'd hoped but they're such infrequent visitors that I'm just happy to have gotten any kind of a picture of one.

Today's drawings are from Draw 500 Fabulous Flowers. I don't know what kind of flowers
these abstract shapes are supposed to represent but I liked drawing them.

I dug out the palette of paint that I'm not taking to The Clearing this afternoon and painted a couple postcards. First I painted Black-eyed Susans...

...and then I painted a grumpy looking Cardinal. I see that there was a spot of wet paint in the black area on his neck. I think it looks like he has a zit.

I spent quite a bit of the afternoon redoing seven Amazon ads that weren't performing at all. I thought maybe I'd done something wrong so I paused the original ones and made new ones. I'll give the new ones until I come home next weekend to start doing something. One of the ads that I made yesterday or maybe all of the ads I made yesterday started garnering impressions because my total shot up over 230 just today. Maybe when I come back I'll have a click! Or even a sale! Wouldn't that be amazing?

I also knuckled down for half an hour to write another scene for The Seaview 2. My mind has been so focused on Amazon ads that I haven't really written anything for a couple weeks. I have got to think of what happens to Rose and Iggy and get it written down, even if it's bad.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Have fun at The Clearing next week. I know you will and that you'll come back rejuvenated and all set to tie into Seaview 2 with a bunch of new adventures for Rose and Iggy.