On my way to supper I glanced at my odometer and noticed that it said 98000 miles. A landmark! I hope my little red HHR keeps chugging along for many more miles.
This afternoon I met ACJ at The Attic for our bi-weekly writing date. She brought her "word box" which she made out of an old wooden cigar box and decorated it up so we each chose three slips of paper from it and wrote for 10 minutes. My words were "swimmer," "hailstones," and "yoke." That last one was hard to worm into a story but I managed. It wasn't great literature but most of the words went together pretty well and I got all three words in there without straining belief. ACJ got her words in too and I liked what she wrote. It's fun to stretch your writing muscles that way. It pushes you out of your comfortable rut. We spent the rest of the time working on our individual projects. I'm halfway through what I hope is the last pre-agent, pre-publisher rewrite of my novel manuscript. Fingers crossed.
On my way home I stopped at Camera Corner to get the last 37 compact VHS tapes and their DVDs. On the weekend I'll write the names on the DVDs and probably watch some.
Tonight I knitted a few rounds on the February Seaman's Cowl and cast on February Preemie Hat #2. Both are patterns that don't require much thought or attention so they're good for mindless TV knitting. One of these days I'll run out of these yarns and face the dilemma of either buying more or digging out other suitable yarns. Yeah, I'll probably do that. I do not need to buy more yarn, not this century anyway. I have achieved what they call SABLE--Stash Acquisition Beyond Life Expectancy--so I don't really need to buy more yarn ever. I probably will, I definitely will, but if the zombie apocalypse comes anytime soon, I'm ready.
6 February--Tropical Obsession.
You have to dive Red Slave at dawn
if you don't have a boat. And even if you do have a boat, dawn is still the
best time because that's when currents run slowest. Red Slave is a collection
of huts at the extreme southern end of the island and currents run strong, so
strong that what anywhere else is a gray vase-shaped sponge grows in a flat
fan-shape offshore of the Red Slave huts. There's a lot of detritus around, mute evidence of just how challenging it is to dive there. Broken fins
lay where desperate divers flung them onshore anxious to lighten their burden
as they staggered and struggled through the building waves to the safety of shore.
If I wanted to dispose of something, this is where I'd do it.
I whacked my hand this morning, I think when I was snowblowing and shoveling or maybe when I was refilling the bucket of ice melt salt, but ACJ noticed that I have this huge nasty bruise on the back of my hand. It hurts too. It's crazy that I can't remember doing it. And I have old lady hands. I thought I never would.
It's supposed to start snowing overnight and keep snowing tomorrow. There's a rumor that school might be cancelled again. If it's too bad I'll probably cancel my trainer session but I don't want to. I want to wear my new workout clothes--and workout with Megan. Really. I'm sore the day after a session but it makes me feel good.
1 comment:
Yay for finding something you need (and you DO need those wicking workout clothes) on sale! Meant to be. And besides that, they're pretty. I hear you about old lady's hands. Mine are awful -- but they've never been one of my best body parts. Now I'm trying to think of what I'd consider my best body part. But hey, as long as they work.
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