Almost all of the seeds and nuts I flung on top of the snow yesterday afternoon were nibbled up by bunnies in the night. I managed to snap a photo of one that stood frozen in place as if I couldn't see it if it didn't move.

It isn't obvious in this pic but when I went out to fill feeders yesterday I wore boots but I ended up knee-deep in snow in the middle of the yard. I had the devil of a time getting up the hill to put corn and pellets in the feeders back there and my calves ache today from the exertion. Shoulda worn my snowshoes. I'll know better next time.

We got stopped by a wreck on the way to Indiantown last Saturday. (lord, that's a week ago already!) I stared out the window and saw this tree in a front yard draped with Spanish moss so I snapped a pic. I remember wanting to touch it when I was a kid and Mom said that it was full of bugs. I wonder if it really is.

Before we left Aunt B asked P to take our picture. I'm putting it on here for those Aunt B fans out there. Isn't she pretty? I think the only time we stopped talking for a whole week was when we slept, oh, and when we were in the theater. It was so great that we never ran out of things to say. I am so lucky to have such a wonderful aunt and I'm beyond grateful that I reconnected with my cousins and uncle who I hadn't seen for at least 30 years, maybe longer.
Two weeks ago LB and I went through the knitting guild library cart and culled out the books no one has used. One of them was a donated book that had come out of its hard cover and I had every intention of tossing it into recycling but when I looked at it I noticed that it's a stitch dictionary. I like those so I took it up to Office Depot, she made a color copy of the dust jacket and bound it all with a coil binding between clear covers--and it only cost me $5. I took the rest of the withdrawn books with me on my rounds today and donated them to the county library for their book sale.

That was the motivation I used to haul my carcass to the Y to workout this afternoon. The area where I meet with the trainer wasn't being used at the time so I took my laminated sheets with me and did my best to warm up, work out, and cool down the way she said to. Then I was happy to see that the recumbent stepper I like was free so I finished listening to a podcast while I pedaled. BTW, my calves were unhappy at having to drag me through that deep snow and making them workout today did nothing to improve things. Back to Tylenol as a bedtime snack, I guess.
In Florida, last night at Guild, and tonight at Friday Night Knitting I've been working on the February Seaman's Cowl and only need to add an inch or so for it to be ready to be bound off. Good thing too, since February's nearly over. I'm one preemie hat short for February too.
22 February--Tropical Obsession.
It was a school of boga.
From the shore it looked like a large cloud shadow shifting over the sandy
seabed, but once he was underwater and swimming out toward the drop-off he
could see the fish. A school of silver fish, each about six inches long, was
flashing like falling coins in the tropical sun. The colors shifted from white
to green to blue with the angle of the school and they moved with a frantic
energy like predators were nearby. He hung there nearly hypnotized by the
flickering fish, startled when a barracuda nearly as long as he was came
knifing through the blur of boga, trailing scales like glitter in its wake.
I spent a little time after erranding and working out today reclaiming about a foot of driveway. It's supposed to rain tomorrow evening, then get colder, and windy. Doesn't that sound like a great weekend weather forecast? Bleah.
Glad that rabbit "froze" in place for you to snap his picture. It's so funny when they do that -- all the while keeping an eye on you. Your backyard looks like the North Pole. So much snow! Thanks for the compliment regarding your old Aunt B. I think I look a bit like mother but you chose Aunt Irene as a comparison. At least we both thought of the Gerst girls.
You really outdid yourself tromping through all that snow & then still getting in your circuit at the Y. I tried snapping some bunny photos up in Indiantown, but they were too quick for me.
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