Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Step One

Just before I came here to start blogging I checked my emails and I found the first Review Sample of the audio book of Horizon. I listened to it in amazement. It sounds like a real book. Then I approved it. I don't know what the next step is but Step One is complete. Eeeee! (doing the happy dance over here)

Dad's rose is continuing  to open a flower a day. Here's today's flower. It was up so high that I had to reach up and bend it down to take a picture of it.

I looked out the patio door to see the birdbath full of Sparrows just having a time all splashing like crazy. There had to be at least ten of them in there. I picked up the camera and as I got it ready they started to fly away one at a time. By the time I got the camera up and clicked the shutter this is all that were left. You can still see that they were enthusiastic about the whole thing.

First thing I got out my little travel palette of watercolors and turned to the next page in my sketchbook. I wanted to paint a flower today and I think it turned out pretty darned well.

I drew out of 20 Ways to Draw a Tree this afternoon. I couldn't resist drawing a lollipop tree, then a mushroom, a bird, and a stemmed flower. I like the bird the best because its feet turned out for once.

I started to reread my manuscript looking for a section I can print off and take to The Clearing for critique. I read and read and read and hardly anything was happening. I'm so bummed. I need to go back to the beginning and make things happen. Nobody wants to read a book where everything goes well most of the time. Nobody. Not even me. Well, rats.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

I'm so glad you like the way the Audible version of Horizons sounds. It's my favorite of all your books.