Friday, September 8, 2023


I got my annual flu shot and RSV vaccine yesterday and my flu shot arm is sore and red and I feel shivery and achy, just like always. How come I always forget how crummy I feel after getting a flu shot? I take Tylenol and bundle up. I spent most of the day huddled in a chair dozing, that's how bad I felt. But it'll be gone in a day or two and I'll be back to normal. I guess it's better than having the flu. I'm waiting for the new CoVid variant booster to come out too.

This juvenile Downy Woodpecker investigated the platform feeder this morning and then the round feeder and then the suet cakes. He was interested in all of them but spent the most time on the platform feeder where there aren't any seeds anymore.

I spied this chipmunk on the patio step this afternoon. I haven't seen a chippie in a long time, I thought maybe the hawks had cleaned them out but I guess not. Or maybe this is a new one come to live here.

My tenants have a whole row of tomato and pepper plants in pots along the edge of their patio and I am invited to pick some whenever I want. Yesterday afternoon I went over and filled up my little glass dish with these beauties. I just walk by and grab a couple every once in a while. They're so good!

One of the orange day lilies is still blooming every once in a while. I managed to crip out there and take a picture today.


Between naps I pulled out 20 Ways to Draw a Jellyfish and drew a seal, a sea serpent, a sea slug, a shark,  and a shell. Hm, what's my favorite? I guess the sea slug today although I kind of like them all.

And I flipped to the next picture in my new watercolor book. It's supposed to be a peony but I think my petals are too pointy, not rounded enough, but I like them.

Tonight at Friday Night Knitting I finished the Leftovers Dishcloth. I did have to go downstairs to pick out a mostly used up skein to finish the cloth. All I have to do is weave in the ends at the beginning and end. Because I'm keeping this one for me, I just tied the yarns together in a little knot and clipped off the tails. It's lazy but I don't care.

No new book news or writing news today. I just spent the day feeling sorry for myself. I get to do that every once in a while. I'll get over myself soon enough.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Darn it! Why is it that something that keeps you well can make you sick? Well, not really sick but sounds like you had a dismal day. Today will be better, I'm sure. We've got those two shots on our "To Do" list. Maybe this weekend.