Tuesday, September 5, 2023

I Think I Got It

I may have written the final scene in The Seaview 2 today. I took my own advice and sat here ready to write something sucky but first I sat down, closed my eyes, and envisioned how I wanted the scene to go. That helped me get something down on paper. Now I'm not saying that it's any good but I'm relieved to think that the first draft might be done, that the story arc might be complete.

More of the rosebuds on Dad's rose are blooming. In this heat they're fading fast but they still smell great and look pretty darned good. There are a few more tiny green buds on the ends of some of the canes so I have hopes that more roses will be coming.

I did take time out to draw after I got done writing. These are from 20 Ways to Draw a Tree and the first one is a log so that's tree-like. Then there's a star, a nest, a rose (that doesn't look much like a rose), and a fossil. The log's my favorite today.

We had a guest speaker at the Green Bay Writer's Guild meeting tonight. She's an attorney who deals with copyright and trademark issues. I learned lots.

And that's it for my day. I spent the morning writing thank you notes for my birthday gifts and party, taking a shower, and generally goofing off. I zipped up to the bank to make a deposit and mail the notes, then I spent the afternoon writing. I love being retired.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

I love being retired too. Slept soooo late this morning but it was wonderful to just go back to bed after my usual morning potty visit. Congrats on winding up Seaview 2. I know you're relieved.