Monday, May 15, 2023

This Is An Ad

When I think of an ad I think of a box with a picture in it and some ad copy below. That's not what an Amazon ad is like. When I was searching for books to use as keywords today one of my titles came up below a different title's description as a book that might be like the title searched for. This is an Amazon ad. I was thrilled to see The Seaview there with all the other books. Makes it seem more real somehow. I spent a lot of the morning making a couple new ads. Then I looked at my Bookshelf page to find that Amazon is raising the printing prices next month. They offered an opportunity to change the retail price of books so that no royalties are lost. I had been thinking that my books' price was too low so I changed it to be more in line with other books of their type.

I didn't have much energy to do things today so mostly I sat and looked out the window. I saw Goldfinches in addition to the regular Sparrows and Chickadees but didn't manage to take a picture of any of them.

I did manage to pull out my new drawing book and drew a couple chibis--an Arctic Fox and a Bat. I think the fur ruff under the Bat's chin looks odd but I don't know what I'd put there instead.

I used some not-Arches paper to paint on this afternoon and learned why people spend the extra money for better paper. It turned out okay in the end. It would have been better if I'd been more patient or had started earlier to let the paint dry more between colors but I'm satisfied with the way it turned out. It's looser than my usual too precise impulse.

It's supposed to be warm and sunny again tomorrow. Maybe I'll haul out the lawnmower and get the grass mowed. Maybe I'll do the front yard first then rest and do the back yard later or the next day. That wouldn't be bad, would it? I'll have to dig out some yard work clothes, they're still put away.

I should have gone downstairs to work on DIL1's skirt hem today but like I said I just didn't have the oomph. She said no rush but I'd like to get it done sooner rather than later.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Thanks for putting up the example of an Ad. I wondered what that meant when you talked about it so now I know. And I do look at those and even click on one occasionally. Hope you get some action on yours.