Wednesday, May 31, 2023

I Got Brave

And emailed the local indie bookstore yesterday and this morning I took one copy of each title down there along with the consignment paperwork and now my books are in Lion's Mouth Bookstore in downtown Green Bay. I wasn't sure she'd take them but she relaxed her requirements a bit so I'm in. Now all I need is for someone to buy one of them. Just one, is all I'm asking.


You know how it usually rains on Memorial Day weekend? Well we had perfect weather for the weekend and even Monday was perfect. Today, however was another story. Since today is the traditional Memorial Day I wasn't surprised when I went out to snap some flower pictures and saw that the sky to the south had turned charcoal navy and there was thunder rumbling. It rained. Oh, man, did it rain. For about half an hour it just poured. Just as it was starting I saw a Hummingbird come to the feeder and worried that a raindrop would knock it out of the sky but it sipped a bit and then flew off. Hopefully to shelter under a big leaf or an overhang.

I got out there and took another closeup of a purple iris and it's a good thing that I did because the hard rain made quite a few of them tip over and fall on the ground.

Another of the new plants, the one called Blue Star, has started to bloom. This is the one that has bud clusters that look like upside down grapes. It's pretty, I just wish it was any other color but blue.

The Bleeding Hearts are still blooming strong too.

Yesterday I heard a bird crash into the patio door and looked up to see a Hawk land on the retaining wall. I grabbed the camera, raised it up, and the Hawk flew away so I pushed the shutter just in case and I got something. It's a Hawk blur but you can see it and I love it. I waited all afternoon for it to come back but it never did.

I saw the Oriole again today. I thought it had moved on since I hadn't seen or heard it in about a week but there he was on the crook today. Hooray!

More drawings out of Draw 20 Trees or whatever the book is called. I think the nest turned out particularly well.

The House Finches like the orange and grape jelly too and I surprised a pair of them on the orange by the kitchen window. Didn't get a picture but I did snap one of a male on the feeder just before it started raining. You know that rain is going to make the grass grow faster which means I'll have to mow. I should have mowed before it got hot and humid but I didn't. Ah well.

All of a sudden the blanket I had on the bed was too warm so I switched it out today. Funny how it was fine the night before but last night I was roasting. I guess it's not cooling off at night the way it had been. It's too early in the summer for it to get up to 90 degrees. Way too early.



Aunt Barb said...

Lots of color today -- the purple iris, the new blue flowers (I think they look like stars), the bleeding hearts and then all the birds. Glad that downpour didn't keep them all away. And you're right -- it's too early for ninety-degree weather.

Amy said...

YAY!!! I am so glad you took your book to the bookstore. Here's to it getting liberated soon by some smart and lucky buyer.